March 2021 Agenda

Dear Councillor

Please note: due to the current Covid-19 Coronavirus situation, the Parish Council will be using the following E-agenda; detail of items will be sent via email to councillors to enable some background and pre-decision making and followed up with confirmation detail via Zoom meeting. .

The virtual meeting date is Monday 22nd March 2021 at 6-30pm

Members of the Public and Press are invited to submit comments to the clerk prior to the meeting via email.

There is a brief ‘Open Session’ where members of the public can air their views on matters pertaining to the parish prior to main agenda. Members of the public are welcome to stay for the remainder of the meeting but they may not speak on any matter after the public session is closed.

Open Session

Debora Owen, Church Warden would like to speak to the Parish Council in this open session


1. Chairman’s Welcome Remarks

2. Apologies

3. Disclosure of interest in agenda items

4. To approve Minutes of meeting held on the 25th January 2021

5. Playground - Regular Safety Checks - Update Cllr Remzi & Cllr Bradshaw

6. Recruitment of new clerk - Chair

7. Parish Speed Check Equipment - Clerk

8. Ground maintenance quotes - Cllr Randell & Clerk

9. New Parish Noticeboard (on hold) - Cllr Randell/Clerk

Action; Cllr Randell to make further enquiries to SKDC Planning re permissions

Action; Cllr Whittington to email local Highways Manager re Electricity Suppliers and Anglian Water to make enquiries on the council’s behalf and feedback to Cllr Randell before the March meeting.

10. Village GP Surgery closure - Feedback information from any parish council members

11. Highways - Updates required , see below

  • Action; Cllr Remzi to forward No Action feedback to Cllr Whittington and Chair.
  • Action; Cllr Remzi to check status on repair of 30 mph sign bottom of Cliffe Hill
  • Action; Cllr Whittington to investigate the ‘no action’ report further with Rowan Smith from Highways.
  • Action; Cllr Whittington and Cllr Remzi to meet for ‘village walk around’ Friday 5th Feb at 10 am.

12. Clerks Report

a. Bank Statement & Reconciliation (circulated)

13. Correspondence (circulated)

a. GSRR March 2021

b. Planning Statement of Community Involvement Consultation V 2021

c. News and events from InvestSK

d. SKDC Parish Update final Feb 2021

e. Parish Council Flood Prevention Letter Feb2021 – to discuss

f. Household Waste Recycling Centres

g. Thanks letter

14. Planning (circulated)

a. S20/2176 Change of Use Greyhound Cottage – Decision notice REFUSAL OF CERTIFICATE OF LAWFUL USE OR DEVELOPMENT (PROPOSED)

b. S21/0293 Reduction of conifers in rear garden by 2m Hadlee, Main Street, Woolsthorpe