January 2021 Agenda
Dear Councillor
Please note: due to the current Covid-19 Coronavirus situation, the Parish Council will be using the following E-agenda; detail of items will be sent via email to councillors to enable some background and pre-decision making and followed up with confirmation detail via Zoom meeting.
To Members of the Council: The e-agenda will be circulated to you with any relevant attachments and any comments received from the public.
The virtual meeting date is Monday 25th January 2021 at 6-30pm
Members of the Public and Press are invited to submit comments to the clerk via email
1. Chairman’s Welcome Remarks
2. Apologies
3. Disclosure of interest in agenda items
4. To approve Minutes of meeting held on the 30th November 2020
5. Playground - Regular Safety Checks - Update Cllr Remzi & Cllr Bradshaw
6. Parish Speed Check Equipment - Clerk
7. Ground maintenance quotes - Update Clerk & Cllr Randell
8. New Parish Noticeboard - Update Clerk re order
Actions for others below regarding this item from last meeting
- Action; Cllr Randell to contact Electricity Suppliers & Anglian Water to make enquiries on the council’s behalf.
- Action; Chairman to also contact Belvoir Estate to make enquiries on the council’s behalf.
- Action; Cllr Whittington to email local Highways Manager
- Action; Cllr Bradshaw offered to check with ex-chairman Gilly Ward to see if he has any knowledge.
9. Village GP Surgery closure - Feedback information from any parish council members
10. Highways - Cllr Remzi & Cllr Whittington
Actions for others below regarding this item from last meeting
- Action; Cllr Remzi to finish off and submit list of survey of completed and outstanding highways jobs
- Action; Cllr Whittington to chase potholes, chevron signage and fixing of village 30 mph sign with Highways.
- Action; Cllr Whittington suggested a ‘village walk around’ with a member of the parish council to view all highways sites with issues. Cllr Whittington will email the chairman with suggested dates, hopefully before Christmas.
11. Clerks Report
a. Bank Statement & Reconciliation (circulated)
b. Precept 2021/22 – 2020/21 £8k - all members to discuss and decide
12. Correspondence - (circulated to all parish council members)
a. Parish Update - January 2021
b. Fake NHS Covid Vaccination Texts
c. Correspondence from parishioner (2 items)
13. Planning
a. S20/1666 – Decision REFUSED - Change of Use from dwelling house (C3) to Children's Residential Care Home (C2)
14. Documented Accounts paid – Dec 2020 – Approved via email
a. Clerks Salary, Hol. Pay Dec 2020 - £270.81 + Exp. Dec 2020 - £5.40 £276.21 101005
b. Community Cleaner Salary, Hol. Pay Dec 2020 £86.82 101006
c. HMRC PAYE Cont. Period 07,08 & 09 (2020/21) £174.20 101007
Total £537.23
15. Accounts for payment – January 2021
a Clerks Salary, Hol. Pay, Exp. Jan 2021(£243.02 + Office365 £85.39) £328.41 101008
b. Community Cleaner Salary, Hol. Pay Jan 2021 £86.82 101009
c. Wave (Anglian Water, Cobleas) £11.85 101010
d. Belvoir Estate (Playground Lease) 01/01/2021 - 31/12/2021 – To query £78.76
Total £505.84
16. Date next meeting Monday 22nd March 2021 & items for next meeting agenda