September 2019 Minutes

Minutes of Woolsthorpe by Belvoir Parish Council Meeting

Date: Monday 30th September 2019

Venue: Woolsthorpe Social Club at 7-00 p.m.

Councillors present Cllr T. Packer – Chairman, Cllr S Remzi – Vice Chairman, Cllr M. Bradshaw, Cllr P. Randell

Also present District Cllr P. Bosworth

Clerk & RFO Mrs Emma Wilson

Open Session where members of the public can air their views on matters pertaining to the parish

The Reverend Stephen Harrop was in attendance and had asked the Chair prior to the meeting if he could use the open session to share information with the parish about the church.

The Chairman welcomed the reverend to the meeting.

Reverend Harrop - introduced himself as the parish priest for 5 rural parishes known as the Harlaxton group which includes Woolsthorpe by Belvoir. “Our church is now a celebration church, so rather than holding a regular service, we cover harvest, Christmas etc. but open daily for prayer or quiet time. The church is also available for family events like christenings, funerals, weddings etc. There is a Baptism on 1st Sunday in November and then a remembrance service on the 10th at 4pm with an open invite to people from the community to attend. Please spread the word.”

1. Chairman’s Welcome Remarks

7-10 pm Cllr T Packer thanked Rev. Harrop for taking the time to come to the meeting and welcomed all including one parishioner to the meeting proper.

2. Apologies

Apologies were received from District Cllr H. Westropp; County Cllr M. Whittington and Cllr J. Salmon reasons for absence were noted and accepted.

3. Disclosure of interest in agenda items – Nil

4. To approve Minutes of meeting held on the 22nd July 2019

The draft minutes having been circulated prior to the meeting were agreed and proposed to be a true and accurate record. There had been a small typo on the draft minutes which was corrected by the clerk prior to agreement; therefore the minutes were passed as approved by resolution of the Council and were duly signed and dated accordingly by the Chairman.

5. Playground - Regular Safety Checks Update from Cllrs Remzi & Bradshaw

Cllr Bradshaw informed the meeting that he had done a couple of checks and as far as he could see all was in order. He noted that Cllr Salmon had removed the screws that were protruding from the vandalised wooden border for the barked area. Cllr Remzi suggested now the border was in such disrepair perhaps it was a good idea to remove the border all together as it is a potential trip hazard.

The Chair reiterated that it was time for him to get a decision from Belvoir Estate about if the lease would be cut short or not to enable the PC to make plans for the playground going forward.

The Chairman has emailed the castle in order to pursue this item. He has been informed that on 8th October he will receive detail of the person he should liaise with for future parish council issues; therefore the chairman will update at the next meeting.

Action; Chair to will update at the next meeting if possible.

6. Parish Speed Check - Clerks feedback (circulated prior to meeting)

The clerk had been asked to enquire with other clerks across the county to ask if their parish councils are part of the scheme and what they have found the positives and negatives of running it have been. The clerk had circulated the feedback received to all councillors before the meeting.

Cllr Remzi commented that it seemed all parishes involved in the scheme it was still a fairly new venture. Cllr Randell said that the police only keep a record and as far as he recalls the process is action is only taken for perpetual repeat offenders but to his knowledge no one has been prosecuted as a result of the scheme.

The chair asked that as we have discussed this topic on several occasions now we should try to draw it to a close and make decision either way to move forward with it or decide that that it is not a worthwhile project to pursue for Woolsthorpe village. The decision to not register for the scheme was proposed by Cllr Randell, seconded by Cllr Remzi and was then passed by resolution of the council.

The Chair asked if we should potentially invest in an additional reactive speed sign. We currently have just two signs; it was suggested to enquire about the cost of a further one. Cllr Bradshaw was asked by the Chairman to get a price on a similar sign to the new one in Denton.

Action; Cllr Bradshaw to get quotes for the next meeting.

7. Grounds maintenance comparison costings Cllr Randell

This action was first instigated from January meeting.

Cllr Randell said he had struggled to move forward with finding out exactly who is responsible for cutting the specific churchyards and subsequently he did not have any definitive feedback. He has asked 3 contractors to quote and none of them came back to him as he said he felt they were not interested in quoting because the job is too small.

The PCC have confirmed that the churchyard, though no burials are allowed there is in fact not yet ‘closed’, the PCC will apply to get this confirmed and this will then be cut by the district council. This will leave only the burial ground at Cobleas as an area for cutting.

As suggested at the last meeting Cllr Randell has asked the Parochial Church Council to write formerly to the council to request contribution of costs to perhaps enable them to have their own contractor to cut the churchyard (i.e. the grounds surrounding the church) itself for the short term until this is resolved.

The comparison the parish council require investigating is

1. Grounds services to cut and maintain the grass and the hedge at the Cobleas graveyard.

2. Grounds services to cut and maintain the grass and the hedge at the Playground

Approximate existing costs for both £1500; Minimum 3 Quotes required.

Action; To check due diligence with auditor if unable to get further comparison quotes

8. Boundary fence restrict grass cutting Cobleas - Update from Cllr Packer (Chairs ‘to do’ list)

The Chairman has emailed the castle in order to pursue this item. He has been informed that on 8th October he will receive detail of the person he should liaise with for future parish council issues; therefore the chairman will update at the next meeting.

Action; Chair to update at the next meeting if possible.

9a. Retired Councillor service recognition Cllr Packer

The Chair confirmed that he had spoken to the ex-councillor concerned and she is adamant she does not wish the PC to organise any sort of gathering or presentation to give thanks. She did agree that she would accept a token of appreciation from the PC for her long standing service.

Action; Clerk to purchase gift vouchers and be reimbursed by the PC

9b. Grass Cutting – Contract etc. Cllr Packer

The Chair confirmed he has drafted a ‘contract of services’ together with a ‘schedule of work’ which will be filled in with Mr Hughes, these documents have been circulated to all by the clerk prior to the meeting. A draft template invoice has also produced to enable Mr Hughes to use this going forward to give more detailed information.

Cllr Packer suggested that he and Cllr Randell should organise to meet with Mr Hughes to agree the contract, the schedule of work; and also get the invoice of outstanding amounts completed on an official invoice to enable initial half yearly payment of £500.

The chair asked if there were any comments on the documents produced. All agreed they were happy with them.

Action; Chair to contact Mr Hughes to arrange a mutually agreeable date/time to meet with him and Cllr Randell.

10. Highways Ward Walk with Cllr Richard Davies 25th June

The Chairman had written to Cllr Richard Davies to express our concern at the lack of urgency responding to our issues and reiterate the problems in the village. The clerk had circulated it to all via email prior to the meeting.

Some councillors had not had a chance to read the letter. We await a response.

11. The Hagues family Bench – update from Cllr Packer

The Chair confirmed he has emailed the family to say the PC are happy to go ahead with the bench and we are now waiting for confirmation from them as to where they wish to site it etc.

12. Public Footpath, blocked; who owns the land Agenda item from AoB 22/07/19

Does anyone know who owns the land? Bottom of Belvoir Lane on the left near the stables, it has been cordoned off with electric fence. It is let to someone but is a public footpath.

Action; Chair to discuss with Belvoir Estate

13. Promoting work of the PC; Query Facebook page and or Newsletter? Agenda item from AoB 22/07/19

Cllr Remzi mentioned this at the last meeting about if we should look in to this. This was briefly discussed again about perhaps a single page of highlighted parish news?

Action; Cllr Remzi offered to mock up a sample and circulate. Cllr Randell offered to send the contact details of

The Villager to Cllr Remzi

14. Brown sign opposite entrance the Social Club Cllr Salmon (not in attendance)

Cllr Salmon was to speak to Belvoir estate, this item is deferred to the next meeting.

15. Clerks Report

a. Bank Reconciliation

Bank reconciliation sheet handed out to all members; Bank balance at 5th Sept 2019 £7790.34. Balance on Cash Book today £7790.34. The Chair asked the meeting if there were any questions for the clerk regarding this.

No questions asked. Bank reconciliation approved by resolution of the Council and duly signed and dated accordingly by the Chairman.

16. Correspondence -circulated prior to the meeting.

a. Highways Maintenance List Report

b. Water on road - Parishioner has written to the PC with concerns about this. Clerk replied with an update.

Action; Chair to discuss with Belvoir estate the spring that runs on to main street; highlighting the potential risk to road safety in the winter months

c. Recommendations for Highways 2020 contracts

d. SCI Adoption Stakeholder Letter

17. Planning

a. S19/1107 - Removal of spruce tree from front garden (Springfield House, Main Street). Decision Notice. Approved.

b. S19/0878 - Erection of porch (5 Rosy Row, Main Street). Decision Notice. Approved.

18. Accounts for payment – Aug & Sept 2019

a. Clerks Salary, Aug 2019 £197.44 100956

b. Clerks Sal Sept 2019 + (Hol Pay Aug to Sept 19), Exp (Paper, Ink, McAfee £184.37) £434.94 100957

c. HMRC PAYE Contribution (Pd 4,5 & 6) £169.20 100958

d. Anglian Water £_12.07 100959

e. Stacey Woodward £223.00 100960

f. SKDC – Electoral Services £_76.44 100961

19. Query potential items for next month’s agenda

  • Noisy cars at the weekend through the village
  • Noise emanating from The Dirty Duck as far as the village centre
  • Running Event, marker beacon repeatedly noisy half way up Bully Hill, left overnight. Ask the organiser to move it further away from houses.
  • Spread the word about the two councillor vacancies

There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.10 p.m.