July 2019 MInutes
Minutes of Woolsthorpe by Belvoir Parish Council Meeting
Date: Monday 22nd July 2019
Venue: Woolsthorpe Social Club at 7-00 p.m.
Councillors present Cllr T. Packer – Chairman, Cllr S Remzi – Vice Chairman, Cllr M. Bradshaw, Cllr J. Salmon, Cllr P. Randell
Also present District Cllr P. Bosworth
Clerk & RFO Mrs Emma Wilson
1. Chairman’s Welcome Remarks
Cllr T Packer welcomed all to the meeting.
2. Apologies
Apologies were received from District Cllr H. Westropp; reasons for absence were noted and accepted.
3. Disclosure of interest in agenda items – Nil
4. To approve AMPC Minutes of meeting held on the Monday 20th May 2019
The draft minutes having been circulated prior to the meeting were agreed and proposed to be a true and accurate record. The minutes were passed as approved by resolution of the Council and were duly signed and dated accordingly by the Chairman.
5. Playground - Regular Safety Checks Update from Cllrs Remzi & Bradshaw
Cllr Bradshaw informed the meeting that the two new swings are now in situ and all looks well in the playground.
Cllr Remzi noted that she is struggling to keep on top of the weeds growing trough the bark in the playground. Cllr Salmon commented that no membrane was laid prior to the bark going down. The chairman once again reiterated that the parish council’s hands are tied regarding commitment to spending parish money on the playground until we have confirmation from Belvoir Estate about the playground site being available past the existing lease.
Cllr Salmon offered to clear off all the bark at the playground and lay a membrane liner then re-lay the bark to solve the weed problem. This was discussed and though the council agreed it was a good idea it was suggested the PC should try and get some indication of how soon we would get a decision from Belvoir Estate about if the lease would be cut short or not.
6. Parish Speed Check Cllr Randell
Cllr Randell emailed the following summary to all councillors prior to the meeting:-
Speed indicating device (SID) £2,000 ex VAT with data record
Nondate record £1,700 ex VAT
Tripod £140 ex VAT
Application for community speed watch CSW £40 ex VAT
High vis jackets £25
Carriage £6
Sign panel £60
Alternative device – hand-held radar gun £230
Further possibility of rental
There are 2 types of indicators – passive speed and active speed. Adopters of the CSW sign up with a Lincolnshire road safety partnership.
The aims – device displays driver’s speed to operative. Noted, witnessed and reported to the police, who send advisory letters and use data collected to resolve any problems between residents and councils. It is not an enforcement procedure.
Operatives of the radar gun have to undertake training, and have public liability insurance. There is no pay or expenses; must be over 18; no CRB checks etc. are made but any issues must be declared. No video recordings or pictures are to be taken.
Health and safety protocol – safe environment in which to operate, accommodating the equipment safely, highly visible to motorists, approved by PSP, and have a location code. Signage must be clear and appropriate 100 metres either side. Contact must be made prior to instigation of new site. Requires minimum of 3 operators. A risk assessment must be in place prior to start. Can only be operated in daylight.
Data protection – any recognised drivers will remain confidential.
Information returns – vehicle registration plate and details to police within 48 hours. Can be held by returning volunteer for no longer than 28 days.
Confrontation – a letter of authority can be given to motorists if needed. Any abuse, dangerous or violent behaviour must be witnessed and reported to police.
Cllr Randell went on to say that although he is aware that some parish councils across the county are on board and have signed up to participate in the Community Speed watch programme he said he had never actually seen it in practice anywhere over the last 18 months; even though he had seen signs to say it was in place in certain villages and he wondered if even though villages have signed up are they actually frequently on duty?
The other issue he wished to raise was his concern regarding the ‘angry motorist’ and aggressive behaviour; he went on to say how his wife had recently been unfortunate enough to have to deal with a potential road rage situation, though this was not related to the community speed watch programme.
He also wished to note that you must have 100 metre gap between the notice and the radar. He felt this would not be achievable up or down the hill and some limitation at crossroads also.
Cllr Randell felt personally that the money outlay would not warrant the potential risk and little benefit due to the location restrictions for set up.
Cllr Remzi asked about the recruitment of volunteers and it was confirmed that parishioners could be part of the scheme not just parish councillors. It was also noted that someone would need to co-ordinate the dates and times as 3 people are required each time.
The Chairman mentioned that 4 local people had approached him showing interest in volunteering for the scheme. Cllr Randell felt if we were to go ahead we should canvass people in the village to get names of people who are serious about volunteering and their commitment to giving up their time regularly to be part of the scheme.
Estimated approx. cost would be £500
After further discussion it was decided that the clerk would enquire with other clerks across the county to enquire if their parish councils are part of the scheme and what they have found the positives and negatives of running it have been. This would then be fed back at the next meeting in September. The Chair wished note that the parish council should then be able to make an informed decision whether or not to go ahead and sign up to the scheme at the September meeting.
Action; Clerk to canvass other parish councils via the clerk’s forum.
7. Grounds maintenance comparison costings Cllr Randell
This action was first instigated from January meeting.
Cllr Randell said he now felt he was not in a position to move forward with this as he was concerned only now having realised that the grass cutting included the churchyard and he is the current church warden.
He had spoken to Mr B Hughes who at the end of June had expressed his discontent at not receiving an increase in payment for his services and as a result had stopped cutting the grass.
The Chair informed the meeting that he had, as previously instructed told Mr Hughes that the parish council would look in to an increase as one had not been awarded for some years, but also to note that Mr Hughes had not asked for one either. He had explained to Mr Hughes that he would calculate an appropriate increase in line with inflation and then seek review and approval from the parish council to increase the payment for the 2019-20 contract year. Cllr Randell asked then if Mr Hughes had said he was happy with the revised agreed pay. The Chairman had been waiting for confirmation of this formally from Mr Hughes and in the meantime he had cut the grass so the assumption was that he was indeed happy with it!
Discussion went on regarding clarification of areas within the village to be cut and contracted for. An action from the May meeting was for the Chair to ask B Hughes to provide detailed invoice of specific works carried out to clerk to enable initial half yearly payment of £500. To date this has not been received.
As we understand the only area we can agree a contract for is the Graveyard at Cobleas which is owned by the Parish Council, the cutting of the churchyard was never formerly agreed but seems to have been a hereditary informal agreement of a previous council.
The Chair confirmed that going forward if the Parochial Church Council wishes to ask the parish council for contribution of costs towards cutting the churchyard they should write formerly to the council to request this. The comparison the parish council require investigating is
1. Grounds services to cut and maintain the grass and the hedge at the Cobleas graveyard.
2. Grounds services to cut and maintain the grass and the hedge at the Playground
Approximate existing costs for both £1500; Minimum 3 Quotes required.
Action; Cllr Randell to obtain quotes on behalf of the parish council, estimates to be sent direct to the clerk
Action; Cllr Randell to approach the Parochial Church Council and request that they write formerly to the council to request contribution of grass cutting costs to perhaps enable them to agree their own contract.
Cllr Salmon said there was also now an issue with the land adjacent the Cobleas graveyard where someone has erected a stable up to the boundary fence which will now restrict grass cutting and access will be a problem
Action; Chair to contact the Belvoir Estate to request they take action regarding this.
8. Retired Councillor service recognition Cllr Packer (Chairs ‘to do’ list)
The Chair apologised that he had not had time to complete this as yet due to work/family commitments
Action; Chair to action to feedback at September meeting.
9. Grass Cutting Cllr Packer
Council still awaiting detailed invoice of specific works carried out to be submitted to the clerk to enable initial half yearly payment of £500.
Clerk has sent contract template for grounds maintenance to the chairman to draw up a draft PC contract as per action from May meeting, the Chair apologised that he had not had time to complete this as yet due to work commitments and hope to have a draft ready for the next meeting.
Action; Chair to draw up draft contract using template given
Action; Chair to contact B Hughes to chase previously requested detailed invoice of specific works
10. Highways Ward Walk with Cllr Richard Davies 25th June
Considering the PC were only given 3 days’ notice regarding this we are lucky that Cllr Bradshaw agreed to take time to meet for the walkabout. However when Cllr Bradshaw attended Cllr Davies and Mark Whittington arrived and informed him they had already driven around the village. They reported they felt the village was in good repair and that there were no issues.
Cllr Bradshaw then attempted to point out a few problems that he was aware of including Cliff Hill. It was commented that there have been no accidents and therefore was not a priority. The edges of Sedgebrook Road were highlighted to Cllr Davies as well as the state of the main road outside the church where utility services have damaged the road and it is now uneven. Also noted the drains needed clearing on the hill, Main Street.
Action; Chairman to write to Cllr Richard Davies to express our concern at the lack of urgency responding to our issues and reiterate the problems in the village.
11. Clerks Report
a. Acceptance of & Disclosable Pecuniary Interests
Followed up with Cllr Randell and Cllr Salmon so all DPI and AoO complete and submitted to SKDC, confirmation received from them on file.
b. Bank Reconciliation
Bank reconciliation sheet handed out to all members; Bank balance at 5th June 2019, £8910.30. Balance on Cash Book today £8642.78. The Chair asked the meeting if there were any questions for the clerk regarding this. No questions asked. Bank reconciliation approved by resolution of the Council and duly signed and dated accordingly by the Chairman.
c. Access to Parish Laptop/Records
The clerk confirmed she had given password details for the parish laptop, separate parts 1 and 2 as per action from the last meeting. This would allow access should the clerk not be available for any reason. Sent 10th June - Sent to Chair Part1 and Vice Chair Part 2.
12. Correspondence -circulated prior to the meeting.
a. RAF Benevolent Fun – Support for RAF; Cllr Remzi to laminate and put poster in bus shelter.
b. Call Connect Summer Promotion 2019; Cllr Remzi to laminate and put poster in bus shelter.
c. The Hagues family Bench – Hagues family have requested to fund a bench for the village to commemorate their long family association with Woolsthorpe by Belvoir.
Action: Chair to respond to David Hagues on behalf of the council to confirm our approval as he had received the initial correspondence.
13. Planning
a. S19/0747 - Decision notice - Approved
b. S19/1107 - Removal of spruce tree from front garden (Springfield House, Main Street), No comments
c. S19/1080 - Erection of 3 detached dwellings & garages. Land To North Of Belvoir Lane, Belvoir Lane.
No specific objections recorded.
d. S19/0878 - Erection of porch (5 Rosy Row, Main Street). No specific objections recorded.
14. Accounts for payment – June & July 2019
a. Clerks Salary, & Exp June 2019 £203.04 100951
b. HMRC PAYE Contribution (Pd 1,2 & 3) £165.20 100952
c. Clerks Salary, & Exp July 2019 HP (June to July 19) £262.26 100953
d. Stacey Woodard (May, June & July) £210.00 100954
e. Anglian Water £_11.94 100955
15. Items for next month’s agenda
- Public Footpath, blocked; query who owns the land (Path runs parallel to river and ends bottom of Cobleas)
- Promoting the work of the parish council; Query Facebook page and or Newsletter?
- To enquire about permission to erect a brown sign opposite entrance to promote location the Social Club
There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.20 p.m.