January 2020 Minutes

Minutes of Woolsthorpe by Belvoir Parish Council Meeting

Date: Thursday 16th January 2020

Venue: Woolsthorpe Social Club at 7-00 p.m.

Councillors present Cllr T. Packer – Chairman, Cllr S Remzi – Vice Chairman, Cllr J. Salmon

Also present District Cllr P. Bosworth

Clerk & RFO Mrs Emma Wilson

Open Session where members of the public can air their views on matters pertaining to the parish

Mr Jim Proctor, Manager from Pasture View Nurturing Homes Ltd was in attendance and had asked the Chair prior to the meeting if he could use the open session to share information about the planning amendment to S19/2228 with the parish.

The amendment is below for information:-


The Chairman agreed to the request and welcomed Mr Proctor to the meeting.

Mr Proctor - introduced himself “I got involved in September 2019. The original application was based on children with emotional difficulties and a mother and baby unit. My opinion was that children with emotional and behavioural difficulties would actually struggle in this rural setting. So my feeling was that this was not suitable for EBD children but actually very suited to an autism home. I also felt that it was not a suitable setting for mother and baby.

Discussions followed with the owners about this and I offered my professional opinion on the appropriateness of the setting for the plans. Following this there was an agreement to change the designation of the home to Autism/Learning Difficulties. As the needs of the clients is a very different one, the staffing needs for the home have changed as more 1:1 support is required. The expectation were three staff and this has increased to five, however in certain situations this could increase to a requirement of eight and so we have made provision for this in our amended planning application.

Belvoir Estate have agreed that on the occasion where there are more people that require parking they can do so on the rough ground opposite the home, however some staff live in the village and will walk to work and we have staff who do not drive and will get a lift or use public transport so we do not envisage the parking having an impact on the village.

There are five parking spaces at the home itself. There are 2 vehicles that are in use from the home.

Regarding the children, you will see them around the village; they will use the playground and maybe visit the shop. They will always be attended by staff.

At some point in the future we are hoping to have some sort of open day but in the meantime if the parish council or parishioners have any further questions, please get in contact with me at Pasture View”

1. Chairman’s Welcome Remarks

7-10 pm Cllr T Packer thanked Mr Proctor for taking the time to come to the meeting and welcomed all to the meeting proper.

2. Apologies

Apologies were received from District Cllr H. Westropp; County Cllr M. Whittington, Cllr M. Bradshaw and Cllr P. Randell reasons for absence were noted and accepted.

3. Disclosure of interest in agenda items – Nil

4. To approve Minutes of meeting held on the 30thSeptember 2019

The draft minutes having been circulated prior to the meeting were agreed and proposed to be a true and accurate record. There had been a small typo on the draft minutes which was corrected by the clerk prior to agreement; therefore the minutes were passed as approved by resolution of the Council and were duly signed and dated accordingly by the Chairman.

5. Playground - Regular Safety Checks Update from Cllrs Remzi

a Playground - Regular Safety Checks

Just after new year Cllr Remzi did a big litter pick including the playground. Nothing to report other than the state of the ground underneath the swings. Some of the boards around this area are loose.

b Wicksteed Inspection – Circulated Report Clerk/Cllr Remzi

Cllr Remzi confirmed she had reviewed the safety inspection report from Wicksteed and there was nothing that required urgent attention. She commented that whilst there was some equipment that clearly needed updating as we had discussed previously this would not be actioned further until late spring and would also be dependent on discussions on the lease of the playground land.

Cllr Packer commented that he had raised the query regarding the current lease on the playground land which expires on 31st December 2020 with the Belvoir Estate. Current information from the estate is that they have no further details about whether they intend to renew the lease or indeed offer an alternative location for a village playground area. At present there is no specific member of staff within the estate that is dealing with these queries from the parish council.

The consensus of the parish council as previously agreed was that only when we have confirmed longer term lease agreement in place would further investment be a viable option. At this point a proper spending plan will be put together to look at the playground facilities in the village.

Cllr Packer will continue to keep the lines of communication open with Belvoir Estate regarding this and feedback as available.

6. Parish Speed Check - Cllr Bradshaw (quotes an additional reactive speed sign)

Cllr Bradshaw was not in attendance and therefore this item will be rolled over to the next meeting.

7. Grounds maintenance comparison costings - Update Clerk

Clerk confirmed she had checked due diligence with auditor. If unable to get 3 quotes that is fine we must just ensure if this is the case that we minute that we have endeavoured to do so and include any that we have.

Clerk had facilitated a quote from Langar which was shared with the meeting and clerk has sent information to EnvironmentSK to liaise with Cllr Randell to discuss a further quote.

Mr Douglas from EnvironmentSK has tried to liaise direct with Cllr Randell but no update as yet. This would be the 3rd quote required.

Action; Further update required on this from Cllr Randell re EnvironmentSK

8. Updates from the Chair for January Meeting. - Chair unable to attend Nov Meeting Items carried over to January 16th for any further updates

a Boundary fence restrict grass cutting Cobleas

This has been chased with Belvoir Estate but at this point no updated response

b Grass Cutting – Contract (Ref B Hughes)

The Chairman confirmed he had met with Mr Hughes, he has supplied and invoice which will be paid this evening.

He has a contract. Mr Hughes has been asked to agree a time to have walk round the sites to just discuss the work and make sure we all understand the areas he is responsible for. He has been given a template for invoices to submit.

c Public Footpath, blocked; who owns the land

This has now been unblocked and was only a temporary measure.

d Water on road – Spring on Main Street

Belvoir estate is as baffled as the parish council regarding this. They too have had it investigated. The fact is that it is a natural spring and impossible to fix that we will have to live with it.

9. Retired Councillor service recognition Clerk

Clerk confirmed that this had not been actioned but that she would endeavour to do this within the next few days.

The council agreed to reimburse the clerk to enable her to move forward with this. As the retired councillor had stated she did not wish to have a ’send-off’ it was agreed that the clerk would pass on the vouchers and a thank you card on behalf of the parish council.

Action; Clerk to action asap

10. Promoting work of the PC; Query Facebook page and or Newsletter? - Update Cllr Remzi

Cllr Remzi had produced the Parish One Page in November and displayed in the village. She commented that some parishioners had mentioned that it was not easy to see the village notice board as it was often difficult to get close to see the board itself as access is often impeded by obstacles. There was discussion about the option of purchasing our own notice board. The clerk was asked to get a rough estimate of cost.

Action; Clerk to get estimates

11. Brown sign Social Club - Cllr Salmon

Cllr Salmon reported that the cost quoted was £350 to £400 for an official brown sign from the council. It was discussed at the social club and the idea was discarded as their committee did not agree with the proposal.

12. Precept 2020/21 - To discuss and decide

The Chairman queried the calculator provided by SKDC last year which indicated that the amount of increase on the council tax bill would be 0.6%. Yet when the bill arrived it indicated a higher percentage. The concern being that after much discussion last year our endeavour was to keep the increase to parishioners at its lowest possible and yet that differed when it came through on peoples bills. The clerk said she would investigate this with SKDC.

There followed discussion about our expenses from this year and the estimation by the end of the year would be around £8000. Council discussed the potential for improving the playground and the possibility of developing the ground at Cobleas for the village if and when it becomes available. The option for additional speed signs to try and combat better the spending through the village.

Cllr Remzi proposed that we request a precept of £8000, this was seconded by Cllr Salmon and this was duly approved by resolution of the Council.

Action; Clerk to submit precept request to SKDC by deadline

13. Christmas Tree - Report any issues/feedback to document for the parish council

Cllr Remzi said there were no issues. She purchased the Xmas tree. Reimbursement cheque to be issued tonight.

Cllr Bradshaw and his wife put the lights on the tree.

14. Correspondence -circulated prior to the meeting.

a. Highways List 02/01/2020

b. Environment Agency’s Flood Warning Service

c. Lincolnshire County Council Policy Consultation

d. Road condition. Main Street. Woolsthorpe by Belvoir NG321LX – Parishioner Correspondence No.1

e. Road condition. Main Street. Woolsthorpe by Belvoir NG321LX – Parishioner Correspondence No.2

f. Post Office Hours

g. South Kesteven Local Plan 2011-2036 - Notice of Publication of the Inspector’s Report

15. Planning

a. S19/1384 - Hartford House Main Street. Woolsthorpe By Belvoir NG32 1LT - Erection of single storey extensions - Approved

b. S19/1720 - 1 Rectory Cottages Main Street Woolsthorpe By Belvoir Lincolnshire NG32 1NA - Fell 14 Leylandii trees - Approved

c. S19/2228 - 124 Main Street, Woolsthorpe By Belvoir, NG32 1LX, Proposal: Variation of Condition 5 (staff numbers) of p/p S19/0030 to allow up to 8 staff. (from 3)

16. Accounts for payment – Oct, Nov, Dec 2019 & Jan 2020

a. Clerks Salary & Exp, Oct 2019 202.84 100962

b. Clerks Sal & Exp Nov 2019 + (Hol Pay Oct to Nov 19) 244.97 100963

c. B Hughes Interim Payment 500.00 100964

d. Clerks Salary & Exp, Dec 2019 202.84 100965

e. Clerks Sal & Exp Jan 2020 + (Hol Pay Dec 19 to Jan 20) 325.16 100966

f. Reimburse Cllr Remzi for Xmas Tree Purchase 58.00 100967

g. Anglian Water (Wave) Sept to Dec 2019 Water Cobleas (Actual reading) 44.36 100968

h. Belvoir (HF) Ltd – Playground Lease 78.76 100969

i. S. Woodward. Play area Cut 90.00 100970

j. Woolsthorpe Social Club 30.00 100971

k. Wicksteed Leisure Ltd (Playground Inspection) 54.00 100972

l. HMRC PAYE (Pd 7, 8 & 9) 158.80 100973

m. B Hughes Final Payment 550.00 100974

n. Clerks reimbursement gift vouchers 200.00 100975

Total 2739.73

17. Query potential items for next month’s agenda

  • Community Cleaner – Cllr Salmon mentioned there may be a parishioner interested in taking on this role in an official capacity, perhaps on a self-employed basis.

Action; Clerk to email Community Cleaner route to Cllr Remzi to follow up and discuss at the next meeting further

  • Cllr Salmon requested that the council look in to moving the bin near the telephone box and relocate it near to the football field where dog walkers are currently leaving bags of dog excrement on the pavement or putting it in to parishioners domestic refuse bins.

Action; Cllr Salmon to investigate how the bin is fixed in its current location and follow up discussion at the next meeting

Next meeting Thursday 16th March 2020

There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.05 p.m.